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Kotido SS authorities have move to block access of UCE results due to high debts

By Bondry Kilenga Kotido Secondary School authorities have moved to block students with outstanding debts from accessing their Uganda Certificate of Education (UCE) results electronically once they are released by the Uganda National Examinations Board (UNEB).  Photo of Emmanuel Lokedi, the head…

Cattle keepers from Napumpum cancel fishing activities on Kaeselem dam

Residents of Napumpum Sub County in Kotido have unanimously resolved to stop any economic activities on Kaeselem dam to spare it exclusively to being a source of water for cattle. Kaeselem dam The dam located in Lolito parish had lately attracted a…

Government sends more 3billion PDM funds to Kotido

By Stanley Ebele The Ministry of Finance Planning and Economic Development has released 2.9 billion shillings to Kotido District LG under the Parish Development Model. Government also remitted 14.5 million shillings for administrative costs during implementation of the PDM. Photo of Commercial…

Public washrooms at Kotido bus park finally opened for use

By Joseph Logola The newly constructed modern restrooms at Kotido Bus/Lorry Park, Kotido municipality, are finally open for public use, nearly two years after they were constructed. The newly constructed washroom at the Kotido park Constructed in early 2023, by Kotido municipality,…

Kotido District Heightens Surveillance System in the Face of Ebola Virus disease Outbreak

By Jennifer Acheng Kotido district health authorities say they have heightened their surveillance system amid an outbreak of Ebola virus disease in the country. The country recently registered an Ebola outbreak, with the first case discovered in Mulago hospital, a situation that…

UPDF Urges Community to Consolidate Peace and Security on 44 Anniversary

By Stanley Ebele The Uganda People’s Defense Forces – UPDF has called on the armed youths in Karamoja to take advantage of the amnesty from the president to handover all illegal guns to security forces as they embark on consolidating the existing…

Kotido Bound Gateway Bus Overturns In Amuria Town

By Stanley Ebele A gate Way bus destined for Kotido town from Kampala was this morning involved in a road accident in Amuria Town. According to witness and police accounts, the bus registration number UAJ 250M, veered off the road just after…

Kotido Rdc Refuses To Commission Opd Block At Panyangara HCIII Over Shoddy Works

By Stanley Ebele The Kotido Resident District Commissioner, Charles Ichogor, has declined to commission an OPD block at Panyangara Health Centre III due to poor workmanship. There are also questions about value for money allocated to the project. The block was built…

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