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Since 1st July, 2015 when Etoil A Karamoja FM, then known as Voice of Karamoja, went on air, we have undertaken numerous programs, activities and projects with massive impact among out listenership and other stakeholders.

  • In June, 2020, Etoil A Karamoja to implemented a project entitled “One Voice for Covid-19 with Etoil a Karamoja” from Institute for International Co-operation and Development (C&D) under a grant from the Italian Episcopal Conference contracted As part of the project, the radio successfully executed 15 radio talk shows, 200 spot messages, 3 outside broadcasts of live radio talk shows as well as distribution of sensitization materials on COVID-19.
  • Between September, 2016 to August, 2017 implemented a partnership with Mercy Corps under the Northern Karamoja Growth, Health and Governance Project under funding from United States Agency for International Development to capitalize on a pivotal moment of change in Karamoja. As part of the project, the radio station produced 324 programs on health, 180 programs on business, 144 programs on youth, conflict and governance, 180 on agronomy and 36 on livestock.

As part of the project, there were notable changes in perception on nutrition and health as well an increase in the number of community members joining savings as a result of Growth, Health and Governance-supported radio programs on Savings and Credit Co-operations.

  • In August, 2015, the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (“FAO”) through Institute for International Co-operation and Development (C&D) with funding from the United Kingdom’s Department for International Development (DFID) contracted Etoil A Karamoja to carry out a “Radio Programming to Support Training and Information Dissemination for Early Warning and Livelihood Enhancement in Karamoja” with the goal of “Strengthening adaptive capacity of agro-pastoral communities and the local governments to reduce impacts of climate risk on livelihoods in Karamoja”.

As part of the 3 months project, we planned and executed 90 spot messages, 12 radio talkshows, 12 episodes of local drama.

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