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By Bondry Kilenga

The North Karamoja districts of Abim, Kotido, Karenga and Kaabong have reportedly registered a sharp decline in the livestock population in the last two years.

This was contained in the district reports presented before the state minister for animal industry Bright Rwamirama during the official launch of the animal vaccination exercise in Kotido district recently. The reports attributed the reduction to cattle rustling, diseases, among others.

Margret Nalem, the Karenga district vice chairperson while presenting the report revealed that the district currently has 13,240 head of cattle, 38,672 goats, 34,000 Pigs, 32,000 Poultry and 80 donkeys.

Jino Meri the Kaabong LCV Chairperson said that by 2021 the district had 33,858 head of cattle, 56,862 goats and 43,295 sheep but the 2023 vaccination data, indicates that the district has lost over 30,000 cattle, 40,000 goats and over 1,500 sheep.

Jino Meri

Similarly, Oscar Okengo the Abim district Veterinary Officer said the 2021 animal census, indicated that they had 32,780 cattle, 63,517 goats and 18,210 pigs but the 2023 vaccination data indicates that has since reduced to 12,461 head of Cattle, 17,241 goats and 13,811 pigs.

Okengo Oscar

Fredrick Emmanuel Nyanga the ACAO Kotido disclosed that the unpublished national livestock census held in 2021, showed that the district had an estimated population of 578,000 head of cattle, 1,200,000 sheep, 473,000 goats, 15,000 donkeys and 10 camels but that has reduced 205,000 cattle, 980,000 sheep, 348,000 goats, 8,000 donkeys and 15 camels.

Nyanga Fredrick

Lt. Col Bright Rwamirama the state minister Animal industry in response acknowledged the importance of livestock to families in Karamoja saying recent studies have shown that livestock in Karamoja was being lost to majorly cattle rustling and diseases.

Rwamirama on livestock

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