By Bondry Kilenga
Livestock traders in North Karamoja have renewed calls for the joint security forces to reopen the old cattle trade routes in the region.
In May this year the joint security forces issued guidelines designating only two routes for the cattle traders to transport livestock out of the region.

Traders from the districts of Kotido, Amudat, Nakapiripirit will utilize the Moroto to Soroti road while districts such as Kaabong and Karenga will use the road to Kitgum district.
This according to security forces was intended to curb the illegal cattle trade which had fueled attacks by cattle rustlers.
However, speaking during the visit to the region by the state minister for Animal Industry, Lt Col Bright Rwamirama recently, cattle traders asked the government to rescind the decision saying the new routes have affected cattle trade and have become costly.
Paul Darlington Lomanio who spoke on behalf of the cattle traders asked the minister to allow cattle traders use the old Kotido-Abim route reasoning that a number of traders from the neighboring districts and regions have opted to buy livestock from other markets due to long distances of the designated routes.
But, Rwamirama in response outrightly rejected the call saying the measures were put in place to restrict the unmonitored movement of animals in and out of the region.
According to Rwamirama, the move is not permanent saying there is a possibility of lifting the restrictions if the situation normalizes.
Hassan Waigeni the North Karamoja ASTU commander, while speaking to our reporter reiterated the ministers comment further warning traders to desist from flouting the guidelines.