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By Joshua Imalingat

The UPDF 3rd division court martial sitting in Longaroe sub county Kotido district on Saturday sentenced two people to 60 years and one other to 35 years imprisonment for killing the former LC3 chairperson Longaroes sub county and three others.

Modo Apakori aged 26 years and Lomoru Lopukan aged 20 years were each given 60 years in jail for killing Moses Lomuria Apalobara, Lt. Isaa Mayende, private Joseph Mwanika, and Peter Lokol in July this year at Narubela trading center.

The other Paul Lomuriamoe aged 22 years was sentenced to 35 years in jail

The four were jointly charged with four counts of murder contrary to section 188 and 189 of the penal code Cap 120.

Prosecution alleges that the three and others still at large while at Narubela trading centre, Longaroe sub county Kotido district with malice aforethought unlawfully caused the death of the four persons.

All the three accused persons pleaded not guilty to the offenses. The court however found the four guilty of all the four offenses.

In their submission prosecution asked court to give the accused persons a maximum sentence so that it can serve as a deterrence for others who may think of doing the same.

The defense team however, asked court for a lenient sentence saying the accused persons were still young and needed grooming considering their age bracket so that they can return and serve their communities.

In ruling, Col. Francis Katiraho the chairman 3rd division court martial said he had considered arguments from both sides and sentenced Modo Apakori and Lomoru Lopukan to 60 years in jail each while Paul Lomuriamoe was given 35years in jail.

Col. Katiraho however, informed the convicts of their right to appeal within 14days.

Similarly, the court sitting in the same place sentenced Timothy Koryang to 10 years in jail for illegal possession of firearms and ammunitions.

The defense team had asked for leniency from court saying Koryang was a first time offender and the sole bread winner for his family.

Prosecution however asked for a maximum sentence saying cases of illegal possession of firearms and ammunitions are on the rise and this needs to be abated.

In ruling, Col. Francis Katiraho the chairman 3rd division court martial sentenced Koryang to ten years in jail saying this should serve as deterrence for Koryang and his gang adding that government is spending a lot of money in the region but their efforts are being watered down by such people.

Nuria Ashraf Teko the Kotido district LCV vice chairperson thanked the army for takig the court to the community saying this will bring relief to those who feel being robbed off their loved ones.

Nuria eng

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