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By Joseph Logola

Police in Kotido Central Police Station is holding two suspects who have reportedly been terrorizing the community of RomRom parish, in Kotido West Division with a fake gun.

Imitation gun at Kotido cps

The suspects identified as Apalopuno Lojok aged 28 years and Lokis Lowor aged 19 years all residents of Nakodokodoi village, Rom Rom parish were arrested on Wednesday 13th September 2023 by the community members and handed over to police.

The suspects have reportedly been robbing people and shops at night with the said imitation firearm.

According to police records the suspects have so far robbed off 710,000 shillings, sodas, biscuits among other items from Daniel Comboni Adia a 24-year-old who runs a retail shop in the trading centre and other people.

David Namuya Apangoroko the LCV councilor Kotido West Division who handed over the imitation firearm to Kotido CPS on Monday encouraged parents to speak to their children to desist from criminal acts.

He explained that there is need for the community in Karamoja to preserve the relative peace the region is experiencing.

Namuya on parents nga’karimojong

Tadeo Echodu the deputy OC CID Kotido CPS told our reporter at his office that during interrogation, the suspects confessed to having a fake gun.

He said police has already prepared the suspects file and it will be taken to the Resident Senior State Attorney (RSSA) and Director of Public Prosecution (DPP) Kotido for legal advice, adding that the suspects will be charged with aggravated robbery.

The region is currently, experiencing relative peace after a number of Karachuna’s embraced amnesty extended to them by President Yoweri Museveni and handed over their guns to the joint security forces operating in the area.

September 19, 2023

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1 Comment

  • Lotyang Emma


    This things should stop and we Peace in the area

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