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By Mathew Abekson

Kotido district council has approved the draft budget estimates for the financial year 2024/2025 worth 19.6 billion shillings. This is an increase of 2.1billion shillings from 17.5 billion shillings in the finical year 2023/2024 budget.

According to the draft budget, the health sector has taken the lions share of 6.3 billion, followed by education with 4.9 billion, while administration came third with 3.4 billion shillings

Planning, internal audit, trade, industry and local development took the least shares of 102 million, 52 million and 60 million respectively.

The district anticipates to collect 308 million through locally raised revenue,6.6 billion from conditional grant, 10.4 billion from discretionary grant, and 2.2 billion from external donor financing.

Paul Komol Lote the Kotido district chairperson Thursday during the full council sitting presided over by the Kotido district speaker Emmanuel Lodio presented the draft budget before council for approval. He thanked all those who were involved the formulation of the budget.

PaulKomol Lotee the Kotido district LCV chairperson on budget English

Emmanuel Lodio Lopwot the Kotido district speaker said the district also approved a draft budget and workplan of GARD and the district multi-hazard contingency plan for the period May-November 2024

Emmanuel Lodio the speaker Kotido district council on budget English

Patrick Lokolimoe Korobe the Longaroe sub county councillor however, says that the budget does not take care of pressing issues especially in his sub county.

Patrick Korobe Lokolimoe the Longorae sub county LCV councilor on budget English
Paul Korbe Lokolimoe the LCV councilor Longaroe sub county on budget Ngakarimojong

Under Article 155 of the constitution of the Republic of Uganda and Section 5 of the Budget Act 2001, all government Ministries, Departments, Agencies and Local Governments were required to prepare and submit their preliminary detailed estimates of revenues and expenditure for the next financial year. 

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