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By Joshua Imalingat

The latest projection by the Uganda National Meteorological Authority-UNMA is predicting flash floods in the Karamoja region due to above normal rain fall.

The March to May 2024 seasonal rainfall outlook released on Friday by the UNMA acting director Bob Alex Ogwang indicates that all districts of Karamoja region and the neighboring districts of Katakwi, Amuria and Kapelebyong will this year receive above normal rainfall.

According to the outlook the predicted rain is likely to result in flooding, disruption in health service delivery, disease outbreaks and destruction of food crops leading to reduced food security.

Karamoja region is currently experiencing dry weather conditions punctuated with light isolated showers.

The onset of seasonal rain is expected around mid to late march reaching peek level around May and there after relaxation is expected around early to mid-June.

In the advisory, UNMA is now asking the district health teams to continuously sensitize the communities on disease control measures, intensify their efforts on disease surveillance, equip community health workers with essential medicines to treat vulnerable populations and activate district rapid response teams.

UNMA has also asked livestock farmers to strategically deworm before or at the onset of rain, increase the frequency of spraying against ticks, Tsetse and biting flies, and practice strategic vaccination on the onset of rains.

Furthermore, crop farmers have been advised to practice integrated pest and disease management, plant hybrid crops to utilize the expected high moisture and prepare for the proper preservation and value addition of their products for increased shelf-life and income.

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