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By Joseph Logola

Christ the King parish Losilang in Kotido catholic diocese is looking for 1 billion shillings to turn the 100-seater church to a 700-seater church.

Fr Lotuk the new parish priest Christ the King parish Losilang during his installation as new parish priest of the mission as Bishop Eibu watches recently

Constructed in 1963 after the mission was separated from Kaabong mission in the then Moroto diocese, the church currently, accommodates approximately 100 Christians from areas of Lodera, Meresae, Moruongor, Kalolet, Toroi, Kapesinyang Jimos, Nayese, Mamlope, Kotyang and the neighboring schools.

In an exclusive interview with Etoil A Karamoja, at the radio premises, the new Christ the King parish priest Rev. Fr. Samuel Lotuk explained that the current church is too small and does not accommodate all the Christians since some faithful seat outside during mass.

Fr. Lotuk observed that in lieu of the developments coming into the area including the two universities yet to be constructed, the current church will not be in position to accommodate all the prospective Christians.

He revealed that presently, the parish has only 3million shillings in the parish account for the construction of the multimillion church which is expected to take five years.

According to Fr. Lotuk, the construction of the new church building will commence as soon as they realize substantial funds that can kick start the process.

Fr. Lotuk on the need to enlarge the current church English
Fr. Lotuk on the need to enlarge the current church Ngakarimojong

Fr Lotuk also appealed for support towards the just course saying the church is counting on the catholic faithful and well-wishers to raise the funds for its construction.

Fr. Lotuk on contribution for the church’s construction English
Fr. Lotuk on contribution for the church’s construction Ngakarimojong

Ordained in 2003, Fr. Lotuk previously served in Morulem, Kaabong and Good shepherd cathedral where he served for eight years before being transferred to Losilang as a new parish priest in February this year.

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