By Joseph Logola
Schools in North Karamoja have registered fewer learners as they officially reopened their gates for the second academic term.

Schools reopened for the second term today Monday in line with the ministry of education calendar. Our spot check on a number of schools shows that many schools recorded fewer learners than enrolled while others did not have a single learner reporting.
In Nakapelemoru army school in Kotido district for instance no single student had reported to school by Monday afternoon. Amos Nkule the director of studies attributed it to the category of students they admit at school. According to Nkule a number of their students come from outside districts and believes they will be reporting in the coming days
In Pope Paul II memorial college Kaabong Linus Lugambwa the head teacher said that only 20 students had reported by Monday morning, attributing it to the fees challenge
In Kotido Army primary school only 30 leaners reported on the first day out of the1,829 pupils enrolled. A teacher who was on duty who spoke on the condition of anonymity says the low turn up could be due to lack of meals in school since WFP has not delivered any yet.
Juventine Okori the head teacher Kacheri SS says the school has only received students from the candidate class. He, however believes that the rest will also be reporting soon.
Sr. Stella Asaba Nabuuma the head teacher St. Daniel Comboni primary school on her side says they have so far registered 50% turn up.
She, highlighted that some learners could be failing to report back due to fees challenges but encouraged parents to return their children to school as they iron out school fees issues with school administrators.