Official Logo

Radio Etoil a Karamoja values the truthfulness of information, transparency and accountability. We continue to search and serve the common good and are open and accessible to all without discriminations. It is consistent with the values of the Catholic Church.

Our Values

  • Integrity and respect for every individual
  • Tolerance, perseverance and promotion of the culture of dialogue.
  • Forgiveness, peace-building and non-violence
  • Social justice, fairness and impartiality
  • Preserving life and nature
  • Being accountable to our audience


We seek to:

  • Inform and educate the community in a holistic, constructive & sensitive manner through researched, balanced, impartial reporting.
  • Give voice to the people who normally have no access to the mass media or opportunity to express their views on community development.
  • Open up possibilities for everyone, especially regular citizens, to express themselves thus preparing each and every member of the community to participate in decision-making.
  • Create awareness on basic rights and enhance the capacity of the targeted community to demand for good governance & accountability.
  • Seize every chance to use the radio station in a constructive way ensuring fullest respect for, and adherence to, basic democratic processes and professional journalistic ethics.
  • Contribute towards a peaceful community that is self-sustaining by promoting peace, harmony and development in the rural communities of Karamoja region.
  • To improve education, social awareness, balanced and objective information with special focus on conflict resolution, community reconciliation, education, health, agricultural and livestock production, environmental protection and climate change.
  • Provide entertainment in a culturally sensitive manner through information, music, radio drama and creative arts.


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