By Stanley Ebele
The Kotido Resident District Commissioner, Charles Ichogor, has declined to commission an OPD block at Panyangara Health Centre III due to poor workmanship. There are also questions about value for money allocated to the project.

The block was built at the cost of 164 million shillings by KOGATED Technical Services Construction Company, with funds from health department in the FY 2022/2023. Its commissioning according to authorities was delayed by the busy schedule of the relevant officials.
While inspecting the building on Monday, before the commissioning was terminated, the RDC said the structure, which has already developed some cracks on the floor falls below standards, adding that the work was shoddy and disappointing.
He advised the Kotido Municipal Town Clerk, Emmanuel Okaja, to recall the contractor to site to correct the defects such as the cracks, badly placed windows, very lowly placed waiting seats among others.
Lokello John Apel, a councilor of Nakaal Ward in South Division, said the structure is not up to the value of the 164 million shillings injected to the project.
Lotella Joseph Peilom, a resident of Logwangita Ward in North Division, wants the contractor to take corrective remedy before the facility is accepted.
The Town Clerk, in response said he will contact the contractor who was not at the site during the inspection to address all the concerns within the next two weeks.